Lawn Care

Lawn Care – How to Keep Your Lawn Green and Beautiful

A lawn that’s lush, green and well-manicured adds beauty and curb appeal. Proper lawn care includes mowing, watering, fertilizing, weed control and other treatments like aerating soil and spreading winterizing fertilizer.

Water your lawn in the early morning to reduce disease and promote deep rooting. Use organic pesticides and traps for pest control, and vinegar or salt for weeds. Visit to learn more.

Lawn Care

Lawn fertilization is a crucial factor in keeping your grass healthy and strong. It supplies essential nutrients that grasses need to thrive and recover from environmental stressors like drought, heat, pests, disease and poor soil conditions. Fertilizers help lawns absorb and retain moisture, which in turn promotes deep roots. Grass with deep roots is better equipped to handle environmental stresses and will more quickly re-grow from damage caused by lawn pests, fungus and other diseases.

While it is possible to do your own lawn fertilization, most people find it easier and more effective to work with a professional. The lawn care professionals at your local lawn service know what type and frequency of fertilization is best for your region and will use high-quality products that will provide maximum results. This is especially important because a higher quality product will cost more but will last longer and deliver more consistent results.

The three most commonly used fertilizers are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). These are called macronutrients and they serve different functions for the plant. Nitrogen promotes leaf growth and green color, phosphorous helps the grass develop roots and resist disease and potassium helps plants respond to stress. It’s important to get a soil test done every few years to learn what nutrients are deficient in your soil and to adjust your lawn care schedule accordingly.

A good rule of thumb is to apply a slow-release fertilizer during the late summer and fall for cool-season lawns. The fall application is particularly important for weed control because it helps the lawn build up energy reserves before winter and encourages root development.

A well-maintained lawn is also a great deterrent against weeds because it is more difficult for them to establish in thick, dense grass. Regular mowing practices and avoiding overwatering are key to controlling weeds, as is using the mulch setting on your mower to leave the grass clippings on the lawn to serve as compost and reduce evaporation. It’s also a good idea to test your soil pH every few years and add lime applications as needed to ensure the proper balance of nutrients.


A healthy lawn requires more than just fertilization and weed control. It needs regular mowing to stay healthy and keep the grass dense. A landscaper with the right equipment can get the job done quickly and efficiently without damaging your lawn’s roots or leaving behind ruts from the mower. Lawn mowing also helps prevent the spread of pests, such as grubs and chinch bugs.

Regular mowing promotes lush, green growth and prevents weeds from competing with grass for nutrients and sunlight. It is important to use a consistent mowing height throughout your lawn and make at least two passes with the mower when mowing. This helps prevent snags and ensures that the mower blade cuts evenly.

Some lawn care services offer a full-service option that includes mowing as well as fertilization, weed control, soil health and turf disease management. This can save you time and effort as well as the cost of buying and maintaining lawn equipment.

Most turf diseases are caused by fungi, and they tend to affect lawns that are overfertilized, improperly watered, cut too short or otherwise stressed. A fungicide treatment can help prevent and treat common fungi, including brown spot, grubs and summer patch.

The best lawns are thick, full of healthy grass and free from weeds, bugs and other pests. A well-maintained yard can help prevent erosion and maintain groundwater quality, which is important for people and wildlife. A beautiful, lush lawn can also improve a home’s curb appeal and increase property value.

If you are interested in having your lawn treated professionally, be sure to choose a company that uses safe, organic products. Look for a list of ingredients on the website or ask your lawn care service provider to provide one. It is also important to keep children and pets inside during treatments, whether performed by you or a professional. Many full-service companies will inform you when your yard is safe to be reopened to pets and children. Also, consider installing a rain barrel to catch and use rainwater for irrigation to avoid overusing local water resources.


Weeds are invasive plants that compete with grass for water, nutrients and light. Left unchecked, they grow quickly and take over the lawn, reducing its overall health and appearance. Weeds aren’t just an eyesore — they can also damage your property and create a home for pests.

Weeding can be a time-consuming, labor-intensive task, especially in large yards. However, a weed-free lawn can add significant curb appeal and value to your property. Plus, consistent weed control helps keep unwanted plants at bay, protecting the soil and allowing grass to thrive.

The most obvious benefit of weeding is that it improves the appearance of your yard and makes it look cared for. Many homeowners are often preoccupied with the function and aesthetics of their homes, so weed growth can go overlooked. Weeds are easy to ignore and can easily take over, but regular weeding can prevent them from overtaking the lawn.

It’s important to know which weeds are growing in your yard and garden so that you can determine whether or not control measures are needed. Correctly identifying weeds is essential for determining which herbicide products to use, if applicable, and to ensure that the appropriate amount is applied.

In addition to making the garden look unkempt, weeds can also pose safety and health concerns for family members and pets. They are a breeding ground for insects that carry diseases and spread harmful pathogens, such as beetles, fungi, and ticks. These insects can cause a variety of ailments, including rashes, swelling, anaphylactic shock, and other life-threatening symptoms. Eliminating weeds will eliminate the habitat for these harmful organisms and protect your family and pets from them.

Weeds also block the penetration of water into the soil, preventing it from reaching the roots of the grass. Weed removal allows for water to penetrate deeper into the soil, fostering healthy root systems and creating a more drought-resistant turf.

Weed control can be achieved through a number of methods, including manual removal and cultural practices such as proper watering and mowing. It’s also advisable to schedule a regular fertilization program, beginning in the spring and ending in mid-autumn. This will help prevent weeds from sprouting in the first place, ensuring that your yard is green and lush throughout the season.


A healthy lawn requires adequate water, and this is often provided through a slow, soaking rain or through a sprinkler system. The key is to not overwater, as this can lead to fungus and encourage the development of unhealthy grass roots. It is also important to note that different areas of the yard may have varying water needs. A shady area, for instance, will need less water than an open, sunny section of the yard.

Watering too often is also a problem, as this can stress the soil and encourage the growth of weeds. The ideal time to water is early in the day, when the lawn can absorb the moisture before it evaporates due to bright sunlight.

Generally, a good rule of thumb is to water the lawn one deep watering per week, especially during the summer months. This will help the grass roots to ingest the water, and it will also promote healthier turf. In order to ensure that you are watering enough, try the finger test: stick your finger into the soil and see if it is moist. If not, it is likely that the root zone is dry and it is time to irrigate.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if your soil has a high clay content, it will hold onto the water and you may not need to water as often as a sandy soil. Additionally, if your soil has a low nutrient content and is acidic, you may need to amend the soil with compost or organic matter in order to balance the pH level and encourage growth.

There are a variety of lawn care services that will address both the health of your soil and the aesthetics of your property. Some of these services include aeration, dethatching, pruning, and fungus control. In addition, liming can be applied to reduce the acidity of the soil and make it more suitable for turfgrass growth. Finally, a lawn should be fertilized on a regular basis to keep the grass healthy and attractive. This can be accomplished by using organic fertilizers and pesticides that will not disrupt the earthworm and microbe populations within the soil.